All our games have been tested and certified by iTech Labs for RNG.
Click here to view the original iTech Labs Certificate.

Seeds to Bytes

HMAC_SHA512(server_seed, client_seed:nonce:0)
HMAC_SHA512(server_seed, client_seed:nonce:1)

Bytes to Number:

(194, 62, 247, 61, 235, 78, 164, 233) -> [0, ..., 39] = 30
0.757812500000000000(194 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.000946044921875000(062 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000014722347259521(247 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000014202669263(061 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000213731255(235 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000277112(078 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000002276(164 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000013(233 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.758773281685814371(* 40)
(42, 59, 85, 27, 68, 59, 247, 48) -> [0, ..., 38] = 6
0.164062500000000000(042 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.000900268554687500(059 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000005066394805908(085 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000006286427379(027 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000061845640(068 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000209610(059 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000003428(247 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000003(048 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.164967841297979478(* 39)
(20, 240, 207, 99, 70, 208, 177, 103) -> [0, ..., 37] = 3
0.078125000000000000(020 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.003662109375000000(240 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000012338161468506(207 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000023050233722(099 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000063664629(070 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000738964(208 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000002456(177 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000006(103 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.081799470651108278(* 38)
(68, 43, 108, 155, 198, 215, 43, 179) -> [0, ..., 36] = 9
0.265625000000000000(068 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.000656127929687500(043 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000006437301635742(108 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000036088749766(155 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000180079951(198 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000763833(215 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000000597(043 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000010(179 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.266287601500917404(* 37)
(138, 85, 143, 192, 233, 6, 82, 91) -> [0, ..., 35] = 19
0.539062500000000000(138 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.001296997070312500(085 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000008523464202881(143 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000044703483582(192 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000211912266(233 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000021316(006 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000001138(082 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000005(091 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.540368065449933654(* 36)
(208, 49, 71, 10, 145, 124, 36, 53) -> [0, ..., 34] = 28
0.812500000000000000(208 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.000747680664062500(049 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000004231929779053(071 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000002328306437(010 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000131876732(145 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000440536(124 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000000500(036 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000003(053 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.813251915054465702(* 35)
(217, 165, 68, 169, 231, 232, 232, 123) -> [0, ..., 33] = 28
0.847656250000000000(217 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.002517700195312500(165 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000004053115844727(068 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000039348378778(169 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000210093276(231 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000824230(232 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000003220(232 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000007(123 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.850178042870456729(* 34)
(215, 230, 81, 162, 61, 197, 104, 199) -> [0, ..., 32] = 27
0.839843750000000000(215 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.003509521484375000(230 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000004827976226807(081 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000037718564272(162 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000055479177(061 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000699885(197 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000001443(104 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000011(199 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.843358137235346583(* 33)
(175, 136, 158, 32, 53, 30, 127, 214) -> [0, ..., 31] = 21
0.683593750000000000(175 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.002075195312500000(136 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000009417533874512(158 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000007450580597(032 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000048203219(053 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000106581(030 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000001762(127 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000012(214 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.685678370345266686(* 32)
(172, 182, 128, 198, 205, 4, 213, 13) -> [0, ..., 30] = 20
0.671875000000000000(172 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.002777099609375000(182 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000007629394531250(128 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000046100467443(198 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000186446414(205 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000014211(004 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000002956(213 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000001(013 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.674659775290837316(* 31)

Number Shuffling:

After converting bytes into numbers, we need to shuffle the numbers to convert them into a cell number in an unused field.

First, an array is created containing all possible outcomes.

Then, in a loop, a number is selected and multiplied by the number of remaining outcomes, taking the result from that position.

Once this result is chosen, it is removed from the array and cannot be chosen again.

This shuffling method is called Fisher-Yates Shuffle  (WIKIPEDIA)

# PickNumberMultiplierNumber * MultiplierResult
All bets with an identifier lower than #303200162 used the HMAC_SHA256 function; to check old games,