All our games have been tested and certified by iTech Labs for RNG.
Click here to view the original iTech Labs Certificate.

Seeds to Bytes

HMAC_SHA512(server_seed, client_seed:nonce:0)

Bytes to Number:

(194, 62, 247, 61, 235, 78, 164, 233) -> [0, ..., 29] = 22
0.757812500000000000(194 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.000946044921875000(062 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000014722347259521(247 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000014202669263(061 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000213731255(235 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000277112(078 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000002276(164 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000013(233 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.758773281685814371(* 30)
(42, 59, 85, 27, 68, 59, 247, 48) -> [0, ..., 29] = 4
0.164062500000000000(042 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.000900268554687500(059 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000005066394805908(085 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000006286427379(027 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000061845640(068 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000209610(059 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000003428(247 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000003(048 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.164967841297979478(* 30)
(20, 240, 207, 99, 70, 208, 177, 103) -> [0, ..., 29] = 2
0.078125000000000000(020 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.003662109375000000(240 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000012338161468506(207 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000023050233722(099 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000063664629(070 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000738964(208 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000002456(177 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000006(103 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.081799470651108278(* 30)
(68, 43, 108, 155, 198, 215, 43, 179) -> [0, ..., 29] = 7
0.265625000000000000(068 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.000656127929687500(043 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000006437301635742(108 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000036088749766(155 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000180079951(198 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000763833(215 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000000597(043 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000010(179 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.266287601500917404(* 30)
(138, 85, 143, 192, 233, 6, 82, 91) -> [0, ..., 40] = 22
0.539062500000000000(138 / (256 ^ 1))
+0.001296997070312500(085 / (256 ^ 2))
+0.000008523464202881(143 / (256 ^ 3))
+0.000000044703483582(192 / (256 ^ 4))
+0.000000000211912266(233 / (256 ^ 5))
+0.000000000000021316(006 / (256 ^ 6))
+0.000000000000001138(082 / (256 ^ 7))
+0.000000000000000005(091 / (256 ^ 8))
=0.540368065449933654(* 41)
All bets with an identifier lower than #303200162 used the HMAC_SHA256 function; to check old games,